In this post we’ll take a closer look at why Aeration & Overseeding is one of the most important aspects of Fall landscaping.

Core Aeration & Overseeding is the process of mechanically removing plugs of thatch & soil from the lawn, and applying fresh seed and starter fertilizer. In a past blog we mentioned that Fall is the best season to do annual Aeration & Overseeding.
But why?

Here are 7 reasons why:

+ It helps grass repair and recover from summer damage and bare spots
+ Opens the soil up
+ Reduces compaction
+ Improves water filtration
+ Strengthens root growth
+ Controls thatch
+ Promotes healthy turf

It looks something like this graphic:

Proper Aeration & Overseeding can reduce water requirements up to 25% without harming the grass. And Aeration & Overseeding pays for itself within a year’s time in water savings alone! That’s because the water is getting down to the root zone – not getting lost in the thatch layer and evaporating – so it’s more effective and will require less.

Aeration & Overseeding is one of the best things you can do for your lawn.
Contact Clark’s to order yours today.

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